by perfectpoint | Nov 22, 2015 | Advanced Health and Chiropractic, Advanced Health Care, Car Accident, Chiropractor Idaho Falls
The structure of your spine is complex and delicate. Your spine is not made to withstand the impact of a car accident. Back injuries are one of the most common injuries sustained in a car accident. The impact strains your ligaments and muscles and your joints suffer...
by perfectpoint | Sep 26, 2015 | Advanced Health and Chiropractic, Chiropractor Idaho Falls, Medicare
Whether you are suffering from back pain or simply are curious about the nature of back braces, take a look at these common questions about braces. What is a Back Brace? It’s easy to be confused about what constitutes a back brace—of course, there are plenty of...
by perfectpoint | Aug 22, 2015 | Advanced Health and Chiropractic, Advanced Health Care, Car Accident, Chiropractor Idaho Falls
Consider this scenario: Mrs. Smith comes to a chiropractor’s office after a car accident because she has sustained minor injuries from whiplash. She was driving her kids to swimming lessons. While taking notes and asking questions about the incident, the chiropractor...
by perfectpoint | Jul 17, 2015 | Advanced Health and Chiropractic, Advanced Health Care, Chiropractor Idaho Falls, Healthy Living, Uncategorized
With all of the changes occurring during pregnancy your body can become stressed. As your bundle of joy grows the curve in your spine increases, affecting your posture. To allow your baby to be born easily your pelvis joints start to relax and move more freely. These...
by perfectpoint | Jun 29, 2015 | Advanced Health and Chiropractic, Advanced Health Care, Car Accident, Chiropractor Idaho Falls
You’re driving along in Idaho Falls listening to your favorite song on the radio, when BAM! Out of nowhere an old BMW smashes into the passenger side of the car. Your car is damaged and you’re shaken up but otherwise you feel fine. You exchange insurance information...