by perfectpoint | Aug 29, 2015 | Advanced Health and Chiropractic, Advanced Health Care, Car Accident, Chiropractor Idaho Falls
According the the Mayo Clinic, car accidents are responsible for over 40 percent of spinal injuries every year. This is a troubling statistic. Although car accidents are hard to prevent, learning about spinal injuries can help you recognize and treat an injury so you...
by perfectpoint | Jul 27, 2015 | Advanced Health and Chiropractic, Advanced Health Care, Chiropractor Idaho Falls, Healthy Living
Computers and laptops have become a large part of our daily lives. Hours upon hours are spent sitting in front of a computer screen browsing the internet, working on a term paper, playing games, compiling work reports. When we sit and concentrate on our computers or...
by perfectpoint | Jul 27, 2015 | Advanced Health and Chiropractic, Advanced Health Care, Chiropractor Idaho Falls, Healthy Living, Uncategorized
Certain things just go together. Peanut butter and jelly, cookies and milk, baseball and cracker jacks, sand and flip flops, you name it! In the medical world, we like to say that proper exercise and nutrition paired with a little bit of chiropractic care is a worthy...
by perfectpoint | Jul 17, 2015 | Advanced Health and Chiropractic, Advanced Health Care, Chiropractor Idaho Falls, Healthy Living, Uncategorized
With all of the changes occurring during pregnancy your body can become stressed. As your bundle of joy grows the curve in your spine increases, affecting your posture. To allow your baby to be born easily your pelvis joints start to relax and move more freely. These...