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The 3 Keys of Health

on : July 27, 2015 comments : (0)

Idaho Falls ChiropractorCertain things just go together. Peanut butter and jelly, cookies and milk, baseball and cracker jacks, sand and flip flops, you name it! In the medical world, we like to say that proper exercise and nutrition paired with a little bit of chiropractic care is a worthy combination.

The combination of exercise and nutrition makes obvious sense, of course, but it’s wise to dig a little bit deeper into why this dynamic duo should become a top priority in your life. Regular exercise and clean eating provides countless benefits. Studies show that this can improve your sleep quality, increase cognitive performance at work or school, improve self- confidence, lower resting heart rate, prevent heart problems, and make you feel great about your body.

So all of this sounds great on paper, but in practice, it’s much more challenging. How is it possible to increase health and wellness with nutrition? A good rule of thumb is to choose natural foods and steer your grocery cart clear of the candy aisle. Typically, natural foods are stocked in the outermost aisles of the store. The inner aisles contain preservatives galore. By carefully choosing foods from the fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains, and dairy groups, you will quickly be on your way to a long lasting nutritional program. Also, pairing proteins with carbs at every meal improves digestion and absorption of all nutrients. By more effectively breaking down the food you eat, you glean ample benefit from the calories you consume. As a result, your sleep is more restful and you will be ready to take on the day’s challenges! And just as combining health and exercise produces enhanced benefits in many areas of fitness, regular chiropractic care helps you achieve your long-term health and wellness goals.

Chiropractic care enhances what you are already doing in your exercise life! Adding regular chiropractic care to your daily activities exponentially increases the benefit of those worthwhile activities. Visiting a qualified chiropractor can inform you (if you don’t already know) of spinal misalignment and other issues. Chiropractic appointments can help your musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, digestive, and hormonal systems do their jobs better. Regular chiropractic care also reduces stress placed on your muscles and tendons. Not to mention Advanced Health Chiropractic and Massage Therapy in Idaho Falls has professional chiropractors to give you incredible health and wellness advice. Consequently, your body is geared to reap the greatest benefit from your physical activity.

In addition to expedited bodily improvement (and let’s be honest, the satisfaction you get from bumping up the treadmill speed is unbeatable) improved strength and endurance are closely related to top-notch health and well-being.

The principle behind the power of these various combinations is consistency. By faithfully and consistently practicing good nutrition and proper exercise, your body will love you! Harnessing the principle of consistency is critical to enjoying long-term health, happiness, and overall well-being. Chiropractic care is an often overlooked but essential element in your health equation as well. Advanced Health is here to be your consistent and reliable chiropractor to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. So next time you find yourself on a health kick or the desire to just improve your quality of life, give us a call! Chiropractic care paired with proper nutrition and exercise is a sure way to get to the health level you want.



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