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Advanced Health Accepts Medicare

on : December 17, 2015 comments : (0)

back pain

Some limited chiropractic treatments are covered by Medicare Part B. Only manipulations with the use of a hand-held device or manual manipulation in order to correct a spinal subluxation is covered. In case you are wondering, a spinal subluxation is a condition in which the bones of the vertebrae in your back have fallen out of alignment. Medicare does not cover the initial physical exams, diagnostic services, acupuncture, physical therapy, x-rays, nutritional supplements, chiropractic treatments for extremities or orthopedic devices.

We’ve Got You Covered

If you fall into any of the following categories Medicare will cover your chiropractic treatment:

  1. You have a significant neuromuscular skeletal condition that requires treatment. This includes pain, swelling inflammation, numbness in the limbs, etc.
  2. You have a spinal subluxation
  3. A medical doctor has recommended that you receive manual manipulations to improve your condition.

What Are My Costs?

You will have to cover the costs of your Part B deductible and then 20% of the services that are approved by Medicare. You are responsible for paying for any fees for services rendered that are not covered by Medicare.

Is There a Limit?

Chiropractic care visits are limited to one per day, unless it has been medically deemed necessary to have them more often, and coverage lasts as long as there is improvement.

Medicare will stop covering your chiropractic visits if your chiropractic treatment has reach a plateau where no further improvement can be made.

Let Us Help You!

Advanced Health in Idaho Falls participates in Medicare we are excited for the opportunity to visit with you about any health challenges you may be facing. Contact the professionals at our office in Idaho Falls to schedule your first appointment today!




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